Document Imaging: Is It Right for Your Business?

Document Imaging is a growing and evolving field. What was once seen as a space saver and environmentally friendly way to store records has now become much more. Document Imaging is used in all kinds of work environments like the legal and medical professions, but also for government, security, and other business owners who seek to easily locate the information they have stored while maintaining the safety and integrity of those documents.

stacks of paper in an officeDocument Imaging is more than scanning documents. With document imaging software, you are able to accomplish many tasks like searching items by keywords, redacting confidential information and pulling and printing all files for a particular client without having to dig through file boxes. The time-cost savings alone is often enough to motivate a business to convert to document imaging. What about businesses with employees who work from different geological locations? Document Imaging is increasingly more valuable for these businesses as collaboration on projects, file tracking and communication is easier and more cost-efficient. 

Document Imaging is a much safer and secure way of storing documents. With document imaging, you do not need to worry about fire or water damage, missing and disappearing files or the files being accessed by someone without approved clearance. If files are edited, this will be tracked with software, as opposed to hard copies where it is sometimes impossible to know who a file in their possession or who has edited documents. 

Ultimately, document imaging saves you time, money, and space. It can also help you meet any compliance rules you may be facing. Do you have questions about how Presort First Class can help you with your document imaging? Contact Us Here or Call today.