What is Presorted First Class Mail?
Did you know that if your organization is sending out at least 500 letters at one time, you can save money with the USPS by using presorted first class mail? Presorting puts all the letters in zip code order. And since it takes far less time for the US Post Office to process them, you get a discount on the per-piece postage for that batch of letters.
Comtech Design Print & Mail & Presort First Class Join Forces
Document Imaging Services From Presort First Class
Document scanning also known as document imaging has gone from a necessity for very few industries to an essential for almost all industries. Document scanning allows information to be easily accessible to whoever the employer desires and costs less to maintain than keeping paper documents.
Document Imaging: Is It Right for Your Business?
Document Imaging is a growing and evolving field. What was once seen as a space saver and environmentally friendly way to store records has now become much more. Document Imaging is used in all kinds of work environments like the legal and medical professions, but also for government, security, and other business owners who seek to easily locate the information they have stored while maintaining the safety and integrity of those documents.